Komatsu has been identified as a Climate "A" List company responding to climate change by CDP

Oct. 26, 2016

Komatsu Ltd. (President and CEO: Tetsuji Ohashi) (hereinafter "Komatsu") has been identified as a Climate "A" List company responding to climate change by CDP, an international NGO which promotes activities to achieve sustainable economies. The score of A is given to a company that is a global leader for its actions and strategies in response to climate change.

In 2016, representing 827 institutional investors with USD100 trillion in assets, CDP sent out questionnaires to companies from around the world, and chose 193 companies on Climate "A" List from all those companies which had disclosed their climate change information.

Disclosed information was assessed by CDP according to its original methodology, and 9% of all respondent companies were identified as "A" List companies whose emission reduction activities and measures against climate change were excellent in the reporting year.

Komatsu has conventionally positioned environmental activities as one of top management priorities. In the mid-range management plan, which began in April 2016, Komatsu has also defined ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) as one of focused efforts and implemented aggressive activities. In particular, Komatsu has been promoting SMARTCONSTRUCTION designed to achieve Construction Jobsites of the Future by using Machine Control construction equipment and IoT in order to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the entire lifecycle of construction equipment. Komatsu has also been making efforts to achieve high-level energy savings of production sites through IoT-based "connectivity". As an industrial leader, Komatsu is determined to drive its activities to realize a low-carbon society.
For the "A" List in the climate change category, which was disclosed on October 25, see the CDP report (here). This report is a baseline of corporate activities prior to the Paris Agreement. It shows that global-scale companies have begun actions to achieve a low-carbon society and some of them have already been making aggressive efforts. It is expected that other companies will follow CO2 emission activities according to the Paris Agreement into the future, based on this baseline.

[Summarized Comment by Mr. Paul Simpson, Chief Executive of CDP]
I congratulate 193 corporations who have been identified as leaders because they are engaged in activities designed to achieve a low-carbon society. Corporations have a very important role for world economies to work for new goals. "A" List corporations will show the roadmap of responding to climate change, which all companies must follow, and at the same time, teach them how to use opportunities derived from climate change.

For the "A" List-identified companies and their scores, click the link button above right.

No : 066 (2628)
Corporate Communications Department
Sustainability Promotion Division
Komatsu Ltd.
tel: +81-(0)3-5561-2616

*The information described is at the time of presentation and may be subject to advance notice.