Corporate Information

When was Komatsu Ltd. established ?

The company was established on May 13, 1921.
Visit "History" for more information on Komatsu's development.

What is the origin of the corporate name ?
The origin of "Komatsu" is Komatsu city, Ishikawa prefecture where is the foundation of the company.
Where can I find information concerning the products and services ?

Visit "Industries we support" for more information on Products and Services.

Industries we support
What environment initiatives is Komatsu undertaking ?

The Komatsu Group keep to hold company-wide CSR activities by allocating primary responsibility.
Visit "CSR" for more information on CSR activities.

What corporate governance initiatives is Komatsu undertaking ?

We at Komatsu believe our corporate value is the total sum of trust given to us by society and all stakeholders. In order to increase corporate value in a lasting way, we work to enhance all aspect of Quality and Reliability with regard to our business activities.
Visit "Corporate governance" for more information on the Corporate Governance.

Financial Information

When is the end of Komatsu fiscal year ?

The end of the fiscal year is March 31.
Komatsu announced business results every quarter.
Visit "IR calendar" for more information on the schedule.

IR calendar
Where can I find information concerning the latest business results ?

"Earnings presentations" page provides information on the latest business results.
And quarterly "President interview (webcast)" also provides information on the latest business results and projection.

Where can I find Annual Reports and SEC Filings ?

The reports and financial documents can be found on the "IR library" page.

IR library

Stock Information

What stock exchange is Komatsu listed on at home and abroad ?
Komatsu is listed on the following domestic stock exchanges.Tokyo and Osaka.
When is the general shareholders meeting held ?

Ordinary general meeting are held at the end of June every year.
Visit "IR calendar" for more information.

IR calendar
Where can I find information concerning cash dividends ?

"Cash dividends" page provides information on the basic policy for Dividends.
Past performance of dividends also can be found.

Cash dividends


Where should I contact for other inquiries ?

Please contact us from here.
